08:27 uur 05-04-2016

Glory Global Solutions maakt verbeterde klantervaring bij Postbank mogelijk

NEU-ISENBURG, Duitsland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Glory Global Solutions, leider in veilig beheer van contant geld, heeft van de Postbank de opdracht gekregen circa duizend financiële centra in Duitsland voor 2017 uit te rusten met innovatieve, hermetische systemen voor het beheer van contant geld. Nadat consultants van Glory alle processen met contant geld in de financiële centra van de Postbank hadden geanalyseerd, selecteerde en ontwikkelde het bedrijf in samenwerking met Postbank een unieke combinatie van apparaten, die voldoen aan specifieke vereisten met betrekking tot efficiëntie, veiligheid en de klantervaring binnen deze tak.

Postbank is met 14 miljoen klanten, 15000 werknemers en een balans van in totaal 152 miljard euro een van de grootste financieel dienstverleners van Duitsland. De focus op de klant is de drijvende kracht achter het succes van de Postbank. De bank heeft een lange traditie in het implementeren van innovatieve technologieën voor een betere ervaring bij de klant. De automatisering van transacties met contant geld bij Postbank-vestigingen door Glory’s unieke cash-recyclesysteem stelt werknemers in staat meer aandacht te besteden aan interactie met de klant, doordat de last van taken met lage waarde en tijdrovende transactieprocessen wegvalt.


Glory Global Solutions Powers Improved Customer Experience at Postbank Financial Centres

NEU-ISENBURG, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Glory Global Solutions, leader in secure cash management, has been commissioned by Postbank to equip approximately 1,000 of its financial centres across Germany with innovative, closed-loop cash management solutions by 2017. Following analysis of all the cash processes at Postbank financial centres by Glory consultants, a unique combination of devices was selected and developed in cooperation with Postbank to meet their specific requirements around efficiency, security and customer experience within the branch.

Improving the customer experience through efficient cash handling

With 14 million customers, 15,000 employees and a balance sheet totalling EUR 152 billion, Postbank is one of the largest financial service providers in Germany. Postbank’s success is driven by their focus on the customer. The bank has a long tradition of deploying innovative technologies to improve the customer experience. The automation of cash transactions in Postbank financial centres using the unique Glory cash recycling solution, enables their employees to focus more on customer interaction by reducing the burden of low-value tasks such as manual cash counting and time-consuming transfer processes with cash-in-transit companies.

“Modern cash handling technologies have become an essential investment for financial institutions looking to deliver exceptional customer experiences by releasing staff resources to offer higher-value consulting services. The flexible design of the Glory recycling solution means it can be operated by a bank employee as a cash desk but can also be used by the bank’s customers as a self-service solution,” commented Oliver Kapahnke, Managing Director Germany, Glory Global Solutions (Germany) GmbH.

The Glory solution is already helping to improve the customer experience in around 190 Postbank branches. Over the next two years, financial centres across Germany will be equipped with the new solutions.

Unique Technology Combinations Delivers Closed-Loop Solution for Postbank financial centres

In addition to improving personal banking transactions the Glory solution has been developed to optimise transactions for the bank’s business customers and postal service requirements.

Based on Glory’s proven RBG-200 technology, the Postbank solution comprises a state-of-the-art coin and banknote recycler combined with a cash register system, including a full cash desk, in one integrated unit. Whether a customer is withdrawing or depositing cash, or would like to pay for services in cash, the Glory recycling solution speeds up the transaction, reducing queues, and with increased levels of security. Cash reserves are monitored by Glory software, which automatically creates orders for cash-in-transit companies to replenish cash stocks and dramatically reduces the time required for start and end of day balancing.

The closed-loop solution ensures greater security for cash in the branch, removing all physical points of interaction with cash by staff and providing secure storage at the point of presentment.

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About Glory Global Solutions

Glory Global Solutions is the global leader in secure cash management solutions. Operating across the financial, retail, cash centre and gaming industries, businesses in more than 100 countries rely on our solutions to enhance staff efficiency, reduce operating costs and enable a better customer experience.

Headquartered in the UK, Glory Global Solutions is a wholly owned subsidiary of GLORY Ltd. Employing over 3,000 professionals worldwide with dedicated R&D and manufacturing facilities across Europe, Asia and North America, Glory Global Solutions is GLORY’s international sales and service organisation. Built on a rich customer-focused, technology-driven heritage spanning almost a hundred years, GLORY is a pioneer in the development and manufacture of cash management, vending and automatic service equipment.

For further information please visit www.gloryglobalsolutions.com or follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/glory_global.

About Deutsche Postbank AG

With around 14 million clients, 15,000 employees and total assets amounting to

€152 billion, the Postbank Group is one of Germany’s largest financial service providers. It focuses on business with private customers and with small and medium-sized companies.

Postbank offers its private customers simple, low-cost products for their day-to-day needs. The products offered range from payment transactions and deposit and lending business to bonds, investment funds, insurance policies and home savings contracts.

Postbank is easily accessible for its customers at its branches, online or by telephone. It has the most dense branch network of any bank in Germany. At its own 1,100 branches, it offers extensive financial services as well as postal services. In addition, there are over 4,500 Deutsche Post partner branches where selected Postbank financial services are available, as well as 700 Postbank Financial advisory centers. 3,000 mobile advisors support Postbank’s customers, particularly with mortgage lending and retirement provisions.


Glory Global Solutions (Germany) GmbH
Szandra Pap, Marketing Manager DACH
Telephone: + 49 (0) 6102/ 8334-0
E-mail: presse@de.glory-global.com
orAgency press contact
Tina Franke/Jana Felber
Flutlicht GmbH – Agentur für Kommunikation
Telephone: +49 (0) 911/47495-0
E-mail: glory@flutlicht.biz

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