20:35 uur 12-04-2016

Saudi Aramco en Engie bevestigen sponsoring van World Energy Congress 2016 in Istanbul

ISTANBUL–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Het World Energy Congress wordt gezien als de invloedrijkste en meest inclusieve vergadering van leiders uit alle segmenten van de energiesector. Het congres trekt internationaal vermaarde sprekers, met belangrijke functies in de politie, het zakenleven en de academische wereld. Tot op heden zijn al 176 sprekers vastgelegd, onder wie Fatih Birol (Internationaal Energieagentschap), Bob Dudley (BP), Seung-Hoon Lee (KOGAS), Strive Masiyiwa (Econet) en vele anderen.

Hasan Murat Mervan, president van het Turkse lidmaatschapscomité van het World Energy Congress, zei in een reactie: “Het verheugt ons dat organisaties van dit kaliber deelnemen als spreker of exposant. Het congres is een uitgelezen platform voor alle bedrijven en organisaties in de sector om samen te komen, te netwerken, ideeën te delen en samen te werken aan de kansen en uitdagingen van de toekomst.”


Saudi Aramco and Engie Confirm Sponsorship of 2016 World Energy Congress, Istanbul

ISTANBUL–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The World Energy Congress is regarded as the most influential and inclusive gathering of senior leaders from all segments of the energy community and is attracting speakers with global reputations from senior figures in politics, business and academia. To date 176 speakers have already been confirmed, including Fatih Birol (IEA), Bob Dudley (BP), Seung – Hoon Lee (KOGAS), Strive Masiyiwa (Econet) and many more.

Hasan Murat Mercan, President of the Turkish Member Committee, World Energy Congress commented: “We are delighted to have such a high calibre of organisations joining us as speakers and exhibitors. The Congress is an excellent platform for all companies and organisations in the sector to come together, network, share ideas and collaborate on the future challenges and opportunities.

“Turkey is positioned at the crossroads of the most important energy markets at a time of profound global change in the energy debate, and it is an honour to host the 23 rd World Energy Congress.”

The early bird registration discount is available until 30 th April. Click here to register.

For more information on the World Energy Congress and speakers, click here: http://www.wec2016istanbul.org.tr/ .

Notes to Editors:

About the World Energy Congress

The triennial World Energy Congress has gained recognition since the its event in 1923 as the premier global forum for leaders and thinkers to debate solutions to energy issues. In addition to the discussions, the event provides an opportunity for executives to display their technologies and explore business opportunities.

For more information about the World Energy Congress 2016 and to register, visit: http://wec2016istanbul.org.tr/

Follow the Congress at @WECongress for regular updates.

About the World Energy Council

Founded in 1923, the World Energy Council is the only truly global and inclusive forum for thought-leadership and tangible engagement committed to our sustainable energy future. Our network of 93 national committees represents over 3000 member organisations including governments, industry and expert institutions. Our mission is to promote the sustainable supply and use of energy for the greatest benefit of all. The World Energy Congress is the world’s premier energy gathering.


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