09:41 uur 21-04-2016

Cumulocity en Astea International slaan handen ineen voor gebruiksklaar IoT-systeem voor diensteverleners

DÜSSELDORF, Duitsland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Cumulocity, de internationale toonaangevende aanbieder van software en systemen voor het internet der dingen (IoT), en Astea International  Inc., leider in servicemanagement en mobiele personeelssystemen, bundelen hun krachten om het geavanceerdste en breedste servicemanagementsysteem van het moment aan te bieden.

Nu dienstverlening complexer en concurrerender wordt, trachten bedrijven die willen excelleren in dienstverlening profijt te halen uit het internet der dingen, waarmee ze direct aangeleverde informatie van smartonderdelen in het veld verzamelen, analyseren en gebruiken. Daarmee verschuift het traditionele servicemodel met simpele signaal-verzend-herstel-toepassingen naar een proactiever en op resultaten gericht dienstverleningsmodel.

Het prijswinnende IoT-platform van Cumulocity stelt bedrijven in staat informatie direct te verzamelen en te analyseren met smartonderdelen en -apparatuur. Het biedt ook functies voor volledige controle en beheer op afstand, wat bijvoorbeeld instellingsaanpassingen, software-updates of de herstart van apparatuur op afstand mogelijk maakt. De integratie van Cumulocity in Astea koppelt de onderdelen in het veld probleemloos aan de bronnen binnen de dienstverlenende organisatie, zodat deze accurater kan voorspellen wanneer apparatuur het zal begeven, onderhoudsschema’s op gebruiksbasis kan maken, het aantal vrachtwagenritten kan verminderen en een betere serviceniveau-overeenkomst kan halen.


Cumulocity and Astea International Team Up to Provide Turnkey Internet-of-Things Solution for Global Service Organizations

DÜSSELDORF, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Cumulocity, the global leading provider of ‘Internet-of-Things’ (IoT) software and solutions, and Astea International Inc., the leader in service management and mobile workforce solutions, have teamed up to offer the most advanced and comprehensive end-to-end service management solution available today.

As service delivery grows more complex and competitive, companies committed to achieving service excellence are looking to take advantage of IoT technologies to collect, analyze and act on real-time information from smart assets in the field. This will move the traditional service delivery model beyond the simple alert-dispatch-repair applications to a more proactive, predictive outcomes-based service model.

Cumulocity’s award winning IoT Platform enables companies to collect and analyze information in real-time from connected, smart assets and equipment. It also provides full remote control and management capability enabling for example remote configuration, software update or restart of any equipment. The integration between Cumulocity and Astea seamlessly links the assets in the field to the resources in the service organization so that they can more accurately predict equipment failures, create usage-based maintenance schedules, reduce the number of truck rolls, improve inventory utilization, and meet greater service level agreement (SLA) commitments with fewer resources.

Rapid Results

Specific benefits for customers include:

  • Significantly lower service costs. Field and call center technicians are armed with the information they need to rapidly identify and resolve problems on the first contact.
  • Greater customer satisfaction & retention. Proactive problem detection often resolves issues before they affect the customer, dramatically increasing product uptime.
  • Increased service revenue. Rapid resolution and superior on-demand customer service drive opportunities for increased revenue through new service offerings and business models.

“Cumulocity provides a complete solution for connecting smart assets and analyzing the information in real-time to turn it into intelligent actions. This ability to turn data into action is what creates real business value and we are excited to be working with Astea as their strategic partner for IoT. With this integration, enterprise service organizations will be able to take advantage of real-time information provided by their assets in the field in ways that will improve service, reduce costs, and create new service revenue opportunities and differentiated offerings,” says Jari Salminen, Managing Director at Cumulocity.

“Our customers are demanding greater responsiveness, improved first-time fix rates, and guaranteed equipment uptime. The next generation of service delivery will be more proactive/predictive instead of primarily reactive,” said Deb Geiger, VP Global Marketing, Astea International. “To fulfil this vision, we have selected Cumulocity as our strategic IoT platform and are excited about the opportunities this collaboration brings to our customers,” she continues.

Cumulocity and Astea will be holding a free webinar demonstrating the powerful benefits that this joint solution can offer for service organizations interested in unlocking the potential of IoT. Be among the first to get an exclusive demonstration on Wednesday, May 4, 2016, at 10:30am ET/4:30pm CEST to reserve your spot please visit: Simplifying The Internet of Things for Field Service.

About Cumulocity

Cumulocity is the leading independent Application Enablement and Device Management platform for the Internet-of-Things (IoT) – since 2010. Cumulocity is an open platform that provides a complete feature set for rapidly developing and deploying IoT solutions. The key features include Data collection and Storage, Real-Time Analytics, Real-Time Visualization and Device Management. Our open and publicly documented APIs and the open UI framework, enable our partners and customers to configure and extend the platform to their unique needs.

Scalability, security and reliability are critical in IoT solutions – and our origins as part of Nokia Siemens Networks, the world’s mobile broadband specialist, gives us the experience of securely managing millions of devices without service interruptions. And being available both as Cloud and On-Premise deployments, Cumulocity enables enterprises to start small and scale out to millions of devices with the deployment model fit for their business.

For more information and to start your free trial visit www.cumulocity.com.

About Astea International

Astea International is a global provider of software solutions that offer all the cornerstones of service lifecycle management, including customer management, service management, asset management, forward and reverse logistics management and mobile workforce management and optimization. Astea’s solutions link processes, people, parts, and data to empower companies and provide the agility they need to achieve sustainable value in less time, and successfully compete in a global economy. Since 1979, Astea has been helping more than 600 companies drive even higher levels of customer satisfaction with faster response times and proactive communication, creating a seamless, consistent and highly personalized experience at every customer relationship touch point.

www.astea.com. Service Smart. Enterprise Proven.


Contact: Philip Hooker
E-mail: mediarelations@cumulocity.com
http://www.cu mulocity.com
Phone: +49 (211) 74951433
Astea International
Debbie Geiger
Vice President, Marketing

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