Riffyn lanceert Riffyn Nexus v4.2 om de integriteit van bioprocesgegevens te versterken met geautomatiseerde gegevensvalidatie
OAKLAND, Calif.-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Riffyn’s baanbrekende cloud-based procesdatasysteem voor Intelligent Process Development heeft een upgrade gekregen met krachtigere mogelijkheden. De nieuwe functies in Riffyn Nexus v4.2 stellen klanten in staat om data real-time op grote schaal te valideren met de mogelijkheid om de hoofdoorzaak van een afwijking te achterhalen.
Data-integriteit in procesontwikkeling is van cruciaal belang voor een snelle, kwalitatief hoogwaardige ontwikkeling van geneesmiddelen en biotech-producten. Onjuiste gegevens kunnen beslissingen misleiden en tientallen miljoenen dollars kosten aan verloren tijd, middelen en investeringen door een heel productontwikkelingsprogramma het verkeerde pad op te sturen.
“Riffyn Nexus biedt nu het complete pakket aan mogelijkheden die procesontwikkelaars nodig hebben om data-integriteit in hun besluitvorming te waarborgen, terwijl hun flexibiliteit om te innoveren behouden blijft”, zegt Riffyn CEO Timothy Gardner. “De nieuwe functies in Riffyn Nexus controleren automatisch alle verzamelde gegevens van elk experiment in real-time – 3.300 monsters, parameters of metingen gecontroleerd per seconde.”
Riffyn Launches Riffyn Nexus v4.2 to Strengthen Bioprocess Data Integrity With Automated Data Validation
OAKLAND, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Riffyn’s pioneering cloud-based process data system for Intelligent Process Development has been upgraded with more powerful capabilities. The new features in Riffyn Nexus v4.2 enable customers to validate data real-time at a large scale with the ability to trace the root cause of an anomaly.
Data integrity in process development is critical to rapid, high-quality drug and biotech product development. Inadequate data can mislead decisions and cost tens of million dollars in lost time, resources, and investment by sending an entire product development program down the wrong path.
“Riffyn Nexus now gives the complete package of capabilities needed for process developers to ensure data integrity in their decision-making, while preserving their agility to innovate,” said Riffyn CEO Timothy Gardner. “The new features in Riffyn Nexus automatically check all the collected data on each experiment in real-time — 3,300 samples, parameters, or measurements checked per second.”
Riffyn Nexus has already helped R&D organizations worldwide bring their products to market two-times faster with its unique process-centric approach system design, and its ability to automatically integrate data in real-time for machine learning.
“Riffyn Nexus’ ability to stitch and scale data was a clear winner for our increasing automation needs as we expanded our number of samples and experiments,” said Mark Wall, Director of R&D Operations & Site Management at BASF. On April 14, Wall will be speaking at Lab of The Future LIVE about how BASF has harnessed the power of data with Riffyn Nexus.
Process developers use Riffyn Nexus to capture process design specifications and iteratively update those specifications as they improve them. The new Riffyn Nexus’ data validation capability uses the designs to validate each newly recorded data point. Because Riffyn Nexus also records every sample, step, and data point in the chain of custody during process execution, a process scientist can quickly identify the root cause when something is amiss.
About Riffyn
Riffyn’s pioneering cloud system, Riffyn Nexus, delivers 2X faster development cycles and 4X productivity gains to the world’s scientific R&D organizations. Its process-centric experiment design, data capture, and data analytics overcome the limitations of traditional scientific data systems — delivering results that are always ready for machine learning. Visit www.riffyn.com.
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Stephanie Yeung