09:39 uur 29-04-2016

Basis Technologies kondigt Consolidator aan: nieuwe automatiseringstool voor digitale transformatie en innovatie

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Basis Technologies heeft vandaag de introductie van Consolidator aangekondigd, een nieuwe toevoeging aan zijn brede aanbod aan automatiseringstools. Consolidator voert met minimale tussenkomst voor gebruikers technische analyse en samenvoeging van SAP ECC-systemen uit, inclusief de systemen die op HANA werken. Automatisering vermindert het risico en de kosten voor algehele processen, wat meer bedrijven in staat stelt de voordelen van SAP-systeemconsolidatie te verwezenlijken.

Van alle leidinggevenden in IT en marketing die Gartner onlangs ondervroeg, zegt 64 procent te verwachten dat zijn of haar onderneming voor het einde van 2017 transformeert in een digitaal bedrijf. In zo’n dynamische, ontwrichtende omgeving worden initiatieven als digitale transformaties gemeengoed. Een verschuiving naar cloudbased programma’s voor Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), inclusief S/4HANA va SAP, is ook gaande, terwijl fusie- en overnameactiviteit blijft toenemen. Ondertussen gloren potentieel reusachtige kansen binnen inefficiënte SAP-systemen die zijn opgebouwd na decennia van overnames en reorganisaties.

Basis Technologies announces Consolidator: a new automation tool to support digital transformation and business innovation


LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Basis Technologies today announces the introduction of Consolidator, a new addition to its extensive range of automation tools. Consolidator performs the technical analysis and merge of SAP ECC systems, including those running on HANA, with minimal user intervention. Automation reduces the risk and cost of the overall process, allowing more businesses to realize the benefits of SAP system consolidation.

A time of change

Sixty-four percent of IT and marketing executives recently surveyed by Gartner said that they expect to transform into a digital business by the end of 2017 1.

In such a dynamic, disruptive environment, business initiatives like digital transformation are becoming commonplace. A shift to cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions, including S/4HANA from SAP, is also underway, and M&A activity continues to gather pace. Meanwhile, potentially huge opportunities lurk inside inefficient SAP system landscapes built up over decades of acquisitions and reorganizations.

All of these factors are combining to generate an ever-increasing level of demand for SAP system consolidation projects.

A new way to unlock value

To date, a limited number of tools have been available to support system consolidation. This has resulted in processes which feature an unavoidably high level of manual effort, with the corresponding business risk that such methods naturally bring.

Consolidator offers the chance to automate a critical – and labor-intensive – portion of the consolidation process: the technical merge. Risk and necessary resource inputs are dramatically reduced, enabling businesses to unlock value, focus on innovation, reduce cost of ownership and prepare for a new generation of enterprise solutions.

“Businesses should give more thought to optimization of the SAP systems that enable great customer experiences. Too much cash is being wasted on simply maintaining existing processes and stabilizing legacy infrastructure.” said Martin Metcalf, Chief Executive Officer of Basis Technologies. “There is just not enough focus placed on unlocking the latent value within these assets through the use of automation technologies such as Consolidator”

To learn more about Consolidator, visit www.basistechnologies.com/consolidator

About Basis Technologies

Basis Technologies have delivered innovative software solutions for SAP for almost 20 years. We focus on automation tools that enable continuous delivery, helping our customers to keep pace with theirs. Our products support the adoption of methodologies such as Agile and DevOps in an SAP environment, and our client list includes a selection of major multinational companies such as BP, Unilever and Ralph Lauren.

To find out more, visit www.basistechnologies.com.


1. Navigate Your Way to Digital Business Transformation With These Resources, Don Scheibenreif, VP Distinguished Analyst, Gartner (August 2015)

2. Consolidator does not support the analysis or merge of transactional or master data. Other tools may be required.


Basis Technologies
Peter Yabsley
Head of Product Marketing
+44 7867 335 310
peter.yabsley@basistechnologie s.com

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