12:07 uur 04-05-2016

CYNORA GmbH: grote vooruitgang bij zeer efficiënte blauwe materialen voor OLEDs

BRUCHSAL, Duitsland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– CYNORA, leider in materialen met TADF (thermaal geactiveerde vertraagde fluorescentie), heeft in de afgelopen 6 maanden flinke stappen vooruit gezet in de ontwikkeling van zijn zeer efficiënte blauwe materiaal; een sterke indicator voor het behalen van de prestatie-eisen van de OLED-industrie.

CYNORA werkt al vijf jaar aan organische materialen die TADF uitstralen. Sinds 2015 past CYNORA zijn ervaring toe bij de ontwikkeling van puur organische, zeer efficiënte blauwe doteringsstoffen voor vacuümdamping.



CYNORA GmbH Announces Significant Progress in Highly Efficient Blue Materials for OLEDs


BRUCHSAL, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– CYNORA, a leader in TADF (thermally activated delayed fluorescence) materials, has made significant progress in its highly efficient blue material developments during the last 6 months: a strong indicator for reaching performance levels requested by the OLED industry.

CYNORA has been working on organic TADF emitting materials during the last 5 years. Since 2015, CYNORA applies its experience to develop pure organic highly efficient blue dopants for vacuum deposition.

The TADF technology combines high efficiency (3 times better than the state-of-the-art fluorescence technology) together with long lifetime. OLED displays incorporating blue TADF materials will reduce power consumption up to a factor of 2.

CYNORA has developed deep blue material reaching an EQE of 16.3% (at 100 cd/m 2) compared to 3% reached in October 2015, a factor 5 improvement in six months.

In parallel, the company is using sky blue material to improve the device lifetime. A significant increase in the lifetime to more than 400 h (LT 50, 500 cd/m 2) has recently been achieved from a level of a few minutes in last October.

“We have yet to reach the performances requested by the OLED display industry” says Thomas Baumann, CYNORA’s CSO, “but our rapid progress during the last 6 months proves our capability to reach the performance levels we have defined together with our key customers to support their technical roadmap. We will use the coming months to combine both efficiency and lifetime in a single deep blue material.”

CYNORA owns a broad IP portfolio on TADF with over 100 patent families and is aiming for over 600 patents.


Founded in 2008, CYNORA is a leader in the TADF technology. The company’s focus is on high-efficiency blue OLED emitter systems which will enable significant reduction of power consumption of OLED devices. The multidisciplinary team of CYNORA, with 70 employees by end of 2016, is highly focused on meeting the customers’ requirements. CYNORA has established representation in Korea and China and is working closely with its customers on material and device development.

For further information please visit www.cynora.com


Joanna Wrzeszcz
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