Gini Health debuteert in chronisch gezondheidszorgbeheer, lanceert diabetes-omkeringsprogramma
TORONTO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Gini Health, een van de snelgroeiende gezondheid technologiebedrijven in Noord-Amerika, heeft samengewerkt met artsen van wereldklasse om een programma voor het omkeren van diabetes type 2 te lanceren. Voortbouwend op het succes van zijn 12 weken durende proefprogramma voor het omkeren van diabetes, uitgevoerd met deelnemers uit de Zuid-Aziatische diaspora, heeft Gini Health vandaag aangekondigd dat het zijn intrede heeft gedaan in het beheer van chronische gezondheidszorg.
Gegevens uit het 12 weken durende proefprogramma van Gini Health leverden veelbelovend bewijs dat diabetes type 2 kan worden teruggedraaid door de juiste veranderingen in levensstijl aan te brengen. De resultaten toonden aan dat 65% van de deelnemers die deelnamen aan het diabetes-omkeringsprogramma van Gini Health onder de 6,5 HBA1c-niveaus bereikte, 4-12% gewichtsverlies en 40% van de deelnemers verlaagde de bloeddruk terwijl ze ook getuige waren van verbeteringen in andere biomarkers. Het programma was ook succesvol in het verminderen van insuline-injecties en diabetes specifieke voorgeschreven medicijnen voor 92% van de deelnemers, in slechts 12 weken.
Gini Health Debuts Into Chronic Health Care Management, Launches Diabetes Reversal Program
TORONTO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Gini Health, one of North America’s fastest growing health-tech companies, has teamed up with world-class doctors to launch a type 2 diabetes reversal program. Riding on the success of its pilot 12-week diabetes reversal program, conducted with participants from South Asian diaspora, Gini Health today announced that it has debuted into chronic health care management.
Data from Gini Health’s 12 week pilot program provided promising evidence that type 2 diabetes can be reversed by making appropriate lifestyle changes. The results showed that 65% of participants enrolled in Gini Health’s diabetes reversal program achieved below 6.5 HBA1c levels, 4-12% weight loss and 40% participants reduced blood pressure while also witnessing improvements in other biomarkers. The program was also successful in reducing insulin injections and diabetes-specific prescriptions medications for 92% of its participants, in just 12 weeks.
Gini’s diabetes program is a doctor-led continuous care program customized for each patient using the latest global research and participant’s health data. Gini’s care team provides daily coaching and support to participants. Gini health’s mobile app records glucose data from continuous glucose monitoring devices along with data from other devices like weight, activity, sleep, blood pressure and food intake. Gini doctors use this data to adjust patient’s diet, lifestyle and medication to get the best results continuously.
Managing diabetes is extremely complex and people with diabetes face a hard task of doing it alone with very few doctor visits in a year. They struggle with monitoring and keeping in control their blood sugar levels with diet and medication and at the same time managing associated conditions like high blood pressure. Therefore making a doctor-led program using data and technology was key for Gini Health, if they were going to serve hundreds of millions of people with diabetes globally.
With their continuous care model, they support patients at every step of their remission journey. Gini’s team has top medical experts, including doctors, researchers, nutritionists and care specialists that help their customers achieve their health goals.
“Globally, there is a big gap in the diabetes care model that can be filled with our approach of bringing evidence based research, and combining technology with best doctors. Our pilot program’s success is a great start to make it available to more people.” said Gurjot Narwal, Founder & CEO of Gini Health.
About Gini Health
Gini Health is a Canada based health-tech company that serves customers across North America and Europe. Gini Health has received various awards and accolades for its personalized healthcare approach in preventive health care. Gini was invested by global VCs like TechStars, Rangle, Uken among others. It has grown into a digital healthcare services company with the launch of its first chronic health care management program.
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Sandeep Samra