Dominik Belloin treedt toe tot de raad van bestuur van biolog-id
PARIJS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Biolog-id, een wereldleider in de traceerbaarheid van gevoelige therapeutische producten, heeft zojuist Dominik BELLOIN opgenomen in de raad van bestuur van het bedrijf. Hij zal naast Pierre Lesourd, Jean-Louis Colders, Jacques Simonnet en Jean-Claude Mongrenier zitten.
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Dominik Belloin, afgestudeerd aan ESSEC en Harvard Business School (MBA), begon zijn carrière bij Goldman Sachs in 1987 in New York City, daarna in Londen als Associate en vervolgens Executive Director of Corporate Finance. Daarna trad hij toe tot de Bertelsmann Group, waar hij verschillende senior managementfuncties bekleedde voordat hij CFO werd van de RTL Group in Luxemburg. In 2000 werd hij benoemd tot Managing Director van Merrill Lynch met verantwoordelijkheid voor investment banking voor de mediasector in Europa. In 2003 werd Dominik Belloin lid van het Uitvoerend Comité van de Oddo & Cie Group en nam hij het management over van de investeringsbankdochter ODDO Corporate Finance. In 2009 trad hij toe tot de Kepler Group om deel te nemen aan de LBO van het bedrijf en om de nieuwe investeringsbankafdeling, Kepler Corporate Finance, op te richten en te beheren.
Dominik Belloin Joins biolog-id’s Board of Directors
PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Biolog-id, a global leader in the traceability of sensitive therapeutic products, has just co-opted Dominik BELLOIN within the company’s board. He will sit alongside Pierre Lesourd, Jean-Louis Colders, Jacques Simonnet and Jean-Claude Mongrenier.
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Dominik Belloin joins biolog-id’s board of directors (Photo: Business Wire)
Graduated from ESSEC and Harvard Business School (MBA), Dominik Belloin began his career at Goldman Sachs in 1987 in New York City, then in London as Associate and then Executive Director of Corporate Finance. He then joined the Bertelsmann Group where he held several senior management positions before becoming CFO of the RTL Group in Luxembourg. In 2000, he was appointed Managing Director of Merrill Lynch with responsibility for investment banking for the media sector in Europe. In 2003, Dominik Belloin became a member of the Executive Committee of the Oddo & Cie Group and took over the management of ODDO Corporate Finance investment banking subsidiary. In 2009, he joined the Kepler Group to participate in the company’s LBO and to create and manage its new investment banking division, Kepler Corporate Finance.
“As part of biolog-id’s evolution, the board of directors is being enriched and welcomes new members whose experience and professional background will help the company to deliver its objectives, both commercial and financial. In this context, Jacques Simonnet, Board member of biolog-id, and I are very pleased to welcome Dominik Belloin. He brings us a leading expertise in the financial and banking fields and, I am sure, will contribute to the implementation of our growth strategy and the development of the company”, says Jean-Claude Mongrenier, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
“Biolog-id provides the human and financial means to accelerate its development. Therefore, I am delighted to be part of this great entrepreneurial adventure and to bring my over 30 years of international experience in finance and mergers-acquisitions”, explains Dominik Belloin.
About biolog-id:
Biolog-id develops and implements innovative solutions, that digitally transform routine processes into actionable data supporting better operational and strategic decisions for sensitive therapeutic products.
The information generated by biolog-id solutions is available to Healthcare Professionals at any time, enhancing their processes efficiency, work conditions and ultimately the safety of the therapeutics administered to patients.
Biolog-id’s patented platform is utilized in North America, Europe, Middle East, India, and Asia Pacific. Biolog-id is owned by its founder, managers, and Xerys Invest. Xerys Invest is a French investment company primarily positioned on trending sectors that include healthcare & Life Sciences, renewable energy/GreenTech and new digital technologies.
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