Eric Dutang benoemd tot CFO bij biolog-id
PARIJS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In overeenstemming met zijn strategisch plan voor groei en gereedheid om naar de beurs te gaan, versterkt biolog-id, een wereldleider in de traceerbaarheid van gevoelige therapeutische producten, zijn executive team door Eric Dutang aan te stellen als Chief Financial Officer en plaatsvervangend CEO. Binnen het uitvoerend comité van biolog-id zal hij ook toezicht houden op de functies human resources, Informatietechnologie en Juridische ondersteuning. Deze benoeming is ingegaan op 3 december 2021.
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Eric Dutang Appointed as CFO at biolog-id
PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In alignment with its strategic plan for growth and readiness for going public, biolog-id, a global leader in the traceability of sensitive therapeutic products, reinforces its executive team by appointing Eric Dutang as Chief Financial Officer and Deputy CEO. Within biolog-id Executive Committee he will also oversee the Human Resources, Information Technology & Legal support functions. This appointment has come into effect on December 3rd, 2021.
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Eric Dutang – CFO biolog-id (Photo: Business Wire)
Throughout his career, Eric Dutang has acquired an extensive experience and demonstrated his expertise in various financial sectors both for the European and North American markets. He began his career by carrying out audit assignments for French and American leading companies, before joining KPMG Transaction Services as Financial Due Diligence Advisor for 7 years. After that, he participated in the international development of listed French companies in Poland and China, before offering his competencies to Alvest, a company specialized in equipment for the aviation industry. In 2015, he joined the biopharmaceutical company Cellectis as Group CFO, where he undertook to transform various functions and conducted strategic fundraisings in the United States to support the group growth, including Initial Public Offering.
“I’m very excited to welcome Eric Dutang to the biolog-id team. His deep-business background, especially in publicly traded companies, is a great addition to our organization,” says Troy Hilsenroth, CEO at biolog-id. “His expertise straddling both the French and the US markets will make the necessary connection between our historical site and our expansion projects.”
“It is a real honor to join biolog-id in this thrilling adventure. Due to my previous experience in a similar healthcare structure and the experience I’ve earned with listed companies, I’m confident that I may positively contribute the biolog-id development. I’m committed to making the forthcoming challenges a success.”, explains Eric Dutang.
Eric (48) is French native and resides in New-York USA. He is certified as a Public Accountant and holds an Executive MBA from HEC Paris (France) / Babson Massachusetts (USA).
About biolog-id:
Biolog-id develops and implements innovative solutions, that digitally transform routine processes into actionable data supporting better operational and strategic decisions for sensitive therapeutic products.
The information generated by biolog-id solutions is available to Healthcare Professionals at any time, enhancing their processes efficiency, work conditions and ultimately the safety of the therapeutics administered to patients.
Biolog-id’s patented platform is utilized in North America, Europe, Middle East, India, and Asia Pacific. Biolog-id is owned by its founder, managers, and Xerys Invest. Xerys Invest is a French investment company primarily positioned on trending sectors that include healthcare & Life Sciences, renewable energy/GreenTech and new digital technologies.
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