09:24 uur 14-06-2016

Cumulocity en strategisch partner Deutsche Telekom vereenvoudigen Industry 4.0-implementaties met unieke Cloud Field Bus

DÜSSELDORF, Duitsland-(BUSINESS WIRE)– De Cloud Field Bus van Cumulocity verhelpt praktische zorgen van klanten op fundamentele wijze, door hun ‘machines’ gemakkelijk en productief te koppelen. Daarvoor is noch een langdurig integratieproces, noch een speciale opleiding nodig.

De unieke oplossing van Cumulocity stelt gebruikers in staat hun machines binnen enkele minuten aan te sluiten. Cloud Field Bus laat de machine zichzelf via iedere mogelijke communicatieverbinding veilig aanmelden op het Cumulocity-platform, waarna dit platform een vooraf gedefinieerd datamodel en protocolconfiguratie toewijst.


Cumulocity, and its Strategic Partner Deutsche Telekom, Simplify Industry 4.0 Deployments with its Unique Cloud Field Bus Solution


DÜSSELDORF, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Cumulocity’s Cloud Field Bus solution fundamentally simplifies the real-world concerns of customers connecting their “machines” in an easy and productive way. There is neither a lengthy integration process nor special training required to connect “machines”.

Cumulocity’s unique Cloud Field Bus solution allows users to connect their machines in minutes. With Cloud Field Bus the machine securely registers itself to the Cumulocity platform at power up over any communication connection and allows the Cumulocity platform to assign a predefined data model and protocol configuration.

This means that Industrial IoT deployment and operations costs are dramatically reduced through the use of much cheaper IoT modems, commodity communications and increased automation in the deployment process; at the same time the security protection is increasing to A+ carrier grade. It also drastically improves the efficiency of the operations and maintenance of IoT deployments as it allows the field service teams to replace a faulty IoT modem with virtually any other modem they have in their van.

Deutsche Telekom launched the ‘Cloud of Things’, powered by Cumulocity, in spring 2015 and recently launched the Cloud Field Bus with Modbus TCP support.

Cloud Field Bus modems are already available from a range of manufacturers and Cumulocity’s open approach allows virtually any compatible IoT device to be used as a Field Bus modem.

“The Deutsche Telekom ‘Cloud of Things’ offering was developed in close collaboration with Cumulocity. The Cloud Field Bus extension has already captured the interest of many customers and first commercial deployments are happening. The solution removed many concerns about the perceived overheads for IoT deployments and allows our customer’s equipment to be connected in minutes.”, stated Dr Alexander Lautz, Senior Vice Preisdent M2M at Deutsche Telekom.

“With today’s announcement we improve the simplification of connecting and operating industrial machines including compressors, air conditioning units, trucks, heavy equipment vehicles, pumps, sewing machines etc. Once the machines are connected the wider business benefits can be securely created including cost reductions from field force automation, increased customer satisfaction through predictive maintenance and introductions of new business models. At Cumulocity we strive to remove complexity and costs so that the benefits of IoT to be exploited rapidly, comprehensively and securely by all organisations.”, explained Bernd Gross, CEO of Cumulocity.

About Telekom ‘Cloud of Things’ – powered by Cumulocity

With Deutsche Telekom’s Cloud of Things, machinery manufacturers and operators can monitor and manage their machinery and equipment more easily. Data analytics and device management via the cloud enables companies to provide greatly improved automation and service that is managed remotely. Use cases include remote management and control, condition monitoring, predictive maintenance and big data streaming analytics.


About Cumulocity

Cumulocity is the leading independent Application and Device Management platform for the Internet-of-Things (IoT) since 2010. Cumulocity is an open platform that provides a complete feature set for rapidly deploying IoT solutions. The key features include Data collection and Storage, Big Data Streaming Analytics, Real-Time Visualization and Automation as well as IoT Device Management. Our open and publicly documented APIs and the open UI framework, enable our partners and customers to configure and extend the platform to their unique needs.

Scalability, security and reliability are critical in IoT solutions and our origins as part of Nokia Siemens Networks, the world’s mobile broadband specialist, gives us the experience of securely managing millions of devices without service interruptions. Cumulocity can be deployed in a Cloud and On-Premise and enables enterprises to start small and scale out to millions of devices with the deployment model fit for their business. Today Cumulocity software is operated in more than 20 data centers across 5 continents.


Philip Hooker
E-mail: mediarelations@cumulocity.com
http://www.cumul ocity.com
Phone: +49 (211) 74951433

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