Nolla Cabins: Open uitnodiging voor mediavertegenwoordigers: ervaar de unieke Archipelzee
HELSINKI–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nolla Cabins, een Fins startup-bedrijf dat zich richt op duurzaam toerisme, biedt mediavertegenwoordigers over de hele wereld een unieke uitnodiging.
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In 2022 biedt Nolla Cabins journalisten, natuurfotografen en influencers een unieke kans om de sfeer van het Archipelago National Park te ervaren door gratis te overnachten in een Nolla-hut op het eiland Stubbö Bärsskär.
Unieke Archipelzee
Het doel van het initiatief is om de bescherming van het culturele erfgoed van de Archipelzee te bevorderen en het bewustzijn over het unieke karakter van de archipel te vergroten. Het wereldwijd unieke natuurgebied is zelfs voor veel Finnen onbekend. De Archipelzee, bestaande uit ongeveer 40.000 eilanden en eilandjes, begon na de ijstijd uit de zee te rijzen en is bewoond sinds de late steentijd.
Nolla Cabins: Open Invitation to Media Representatives: Experience the Unique Archipelago Sea
HELSINKI–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nolla Cabins, a Finnish startup company focused on sustainable tourism, is offering media representatives all over the world a unique invitation.
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The Nolla Cabin has been designed by Finnish industrial designer Robin Falck. It is aimed at exploring the interaction between humans, space and the environment in a minimalist and respectful way. (Photo: Business Wire)
In 2022, Nolla Cabins will offer journalists, nature photographers and influencers a unique opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the Archipelago National Park by staying at a Nolla cabin on the island of Stubbö Bärsskär free of charge.
Unique Archipelago Sea
The purpose of the initiative is to promote the protection of the cultural heritage of the Archipelago Sea and to raise awareness regarding the uniqueness of the archipelago. The globally unique nature area is unknown even to many Finns. The Archipelago Sea, made up of about 40,000 islands and islets, began to rise from the sea after the ice age and it has been inhabited since the late Stone Age.
Mika Ihamuotila is known for his appreciation of the Archipelago Sea. This appreciation made him donate the Bärsskär Island to the Nolla project as a means to tell the world about this unique natural area. The island and the Nolla cabin built on will make it possible for media representatives to visit the Archipelago Sea National Park. Media representatives may visit the island free of charge and in return, we hope that they will give visibility to the Archipelago Sea in their media outlets. After the project has ended, people will be able to rent the cabin when visiting the island.
Bärsskär offers visitors a truly primitive luxury experience
Bärsskär’s nature reveals the harsh conditions of the Archipelago Sea. In the winter, the bitter wind and storms rip through the trees and other vegetation, while in summer the island is a paradise for birds and now also for the media. There will be nobody else on this small island, hidden in the midst of the Archipelago Sea, offering visitors the chance to enjoy their exclusive solitude. Nobody will see you if you wish to swim naked to a nearby islet. In addition to the toilet in the Nolla cabin, there is also a guest toilet on the island. And that’s pretty much it. Except, of course, for all the rocks, birches, junipers and birds of the island. The splashing waves and natural silence.
Nolla Cabins aim to achieve emission-free nature tourism
The Nolla Cabin has been designed by Finnish industrial designer Robin Falck. It is aimed at exploring the interaction between humans, space and the environment in a minimalist and respectful way. The Nolla Cabin concept aims to achieve zero-emission tourism and to enable hiking even in sensitive natural sites. The Nolla Cabin is equipped for two guests. The cabin has a stove for cooking and solar panels that generate enough electricity for the everyday needs of visitors. The Nolla Cabin challenges tourists to think about their carbon footprint: Could you produce zero emissions?
In the future, Nolla will offer a nature tourism network that will provide visitors with the opportunity to enjoy nature as well as engage in various activities from kayaking to overnight stays. Currently, there are Nolla cabins mainly on the Isosaari island, only a 30-minute boat ride from Helsinki Market Square. During 2022, the company will expand into new wonderful areas.
Travel Arrangements
Visitors will be provided with completely electronical and emission-free transportation from Helsinki to Kasnäs in an initiative that is organised in cooperation with Mercedes-EQ and Veho. From Kasnäs harbour, visitors will continue their journey to Bärsskär by boat, where they will find a fully prepared Nolla cabin waiting for them. Any emissions generated during the trip shall be offset through our cooperation with We Compensate.
Nolla CEO Roope Lemmetti described the project as follows: ’I promise that a trip to the island will give visitors a memorable experience. Stubbö Bärsskär is breathtakingly beautiful and spending a night on the island will be a truly unique experience. We have put a lot of energy into this project and naturally we hope media representatives from around the world will seize this unique opportunity. We will also offer accommodation in Helsinki for visitors arriving from abroad’.
You may visit the island between January 5th and October 1st, 2022. In order for us to be able to arrange all the requested summer visits, we ask all media representatives to register by March 1, 2022 by calling +358 45 157 0535 or emailing Please find more information about Bärsskär at
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The Nolla Company Oy
Joel Uussaari
+358 (0) 45 157 0535