GIGABYTE herontdekt connectiviteit met servers en ingebedde systemen terwijl MWC terugkeert naar Barcelona
TAIPEI–(BUSINESS WIRE)– GIGABYTE, een wereldleider in technologie, sluit zich aan bij MWC 2022 als ‘s werelds meest invloedrijke connectiviteitsevenement in de schijnwerpers van 28 februari tot 3 maart. Het evenement creëert kansen voor bedrijfsleiders en pioniers om te netwerken en hun thought leadership te delen over de cruciale transformaties die de sector en de wereldeconomie vormgeven in een 5G-gestandaardiseerd tijdperk.
GIGABYTE verwacht zijn kracht van rijke productdiversiteit en technische expertise te gebruiken om de reikwijdte van de impact van datacenters en embedded producten te demonstreren die verder gaan dan het verbeteren van de connectiviteit van telecommunicatie, wat eindeloze mogelijkheden biedt in een slimme stad.
GIGABYTE Reimagines Connectivity With Servers and Embedded Systems as MWC Returns to Barcelona
TAIPEI–(BUSINESS WIRE)– GIGABYTE, a global leader in technology, joins MWC 2022 as the world’s most influential connectivity event takes spotlight from February 28th to March 3rd. The event creates opportunities for business leaders and trailblazers to network and share their thought leadership about the critical transformations shaping the industry and global economy in a 5G standardized era.

GIGABYTE Reimagines Connectivity with Servers and Embedded Systems as MWC Returns to Barcelona
GIGABYTE expects to use its strength of rich product diversity and engineering expertise, to demonstrate the scope of impact data center and embedded products have beyond improving the connectivity of telecommunications, which opens up endless opportunities in a smart city.
GIGABYTE is an early adopter to design servers for Arm® architecture, the world’s most recognizable architecture for telecommunications, and is pleased to have two Arm server systems demo live at Arm’s booth at MWC including a network-in-a-box 5G solution and a solution compromised of an enterprise private network and a GPU. These demos are powered by the Ampere® Altra® cloud-native processors with massive core counts, and are available to the Arm ecosystem through the Arm 5G Solutions Lab, which is a place for hardware and software ecosystem partners can come together and demonstrate end-to-end solutions in a live test environment. The Arm-based 5G edge servers will exemplify future connectivity that has greater speeds, lower latency, and is able to connect more devices.
As a partner of global automobile manufacturers, GIGABYTE specializes in developing decision-making control units for different types of autonomous vehicles, as well as customized products such as ADAS ECUs, TCUs, assisting vehicle designers to develop their ideal products. The AI-enabled decision making control units will activate a traffic grid that’s smarter hence smoother and safer.
GIGABYTE brought its latest generation of embedded systems and developed Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV), which can be programmed to maneuver in designated routes, and Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR), which can detect and avoid obstacles through navigation to operate. The systems are designed to provide critical features such as low power consumption, high performance with rich I/O interface and high expansion flexibility, offering a go-to choice to facilitate an automated environment for vital industries.
GIGABYTE’s recent project is a two-phase immersion cooling data center built for the prominent IC foundry giant that leads the world in advanced process technology. The project is aimed to not only prepare technology companies to combat the thermal dilemma associated with the ever-increasing CPU/GPU performance by providing a future-proof cooling solution, but also to set the industry standard for modern data centers to effectively deliver better TCO, smaller carbon footprint, and yield high(er) computing performance.
GIGABYTE continues its strong presence in digital format on both MWC’s exhibitors’ page, which provides access to products info and downloadable PDFs, and its own [INUDSTRY] page, which offers an interactive 3D overview of different industries envisioned in modern perspective with GIGABYTE’s comprehensive products and solutions.
Media: Michael Pao