Solvemate verbetert het klantenservice platform met meertalig beheer
BERLIJN-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Conversational AI for Customer Service leider Solvemate kondigt vandaag de toevoeging aan van meertalige bot management mogelijkheden aan zijn customer service automation platform oplossing. Deze platformuitbreiding maakt het mogelijk om chatbots in meerdere talen op een gecentraliseerde manier te beheren. Dit bespaart het klantenserviceteam waardevolle tijd en moeite, terwijl de kwaliteit van de conversatie behouden blijft.
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk de volledige release hier:
Klanten verwachten geweldige lokale taalervaringen
Bedrijven die wereldwijd uitbreiden, kunnen het zich niet veroorloven om de post-sales-ervaring te vergeten. Common Sense Advisory (CSA) onderzoek heeft uitgewezen dat 75% van de klanten liever koopt bij bedrijven die ondersteuning bieden na de verkoop in hun moedertaal. Meertalige ondersteuning voegt kwaliteit en waarde toe aan gesprekken omdat misverstanden worden geminimaliseerd en problemen efficiënter kunnen worden opgelost.
Solvemate Enhances Customer Service Platform with Multilingual Management
BERLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Conversational AI for Customer Service leader Solvemate today announces the addition of multilingual bot management capabilities to its customer service automation platform solution. This platform extension will allow for multiple language chatbot management in a centralized way saving customer service team’s valuable time and effort while maintaining a quality conversational experience.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

Solvemate Enhances Customer Service Platform with Multilingual Management (Photo: Business Wire)
Customers Expect Great Local Language Experiences
Companies expanding globally cannot afford to forget the post-sales experience. Common Sense Advisory (CSA) Research study found that 75% of customers prefer to buy from companies which provide post-sales support in their native language. Multilingual support adds quality and value to conversations as misunderstandings are minimized and problems can be solved more efficiently.
Scaling Cost Effectively With Multilingual Self Service
It’s often a costly challenge to grow customer service teams across countries and languages. The new Solvemate multilingual chatbot management allows companies to offer the same great self-service experience with highly personalized chatbots to help customers find the answer they are looking for as they scale globally. Automation offers companies the ability to support languages they may not have in their call center or to help mitigate turnover in languages where they struggle to find local language support in certain parts of the world, especially after hours.
Erik Pfannmöller, co-founder and CEO of Solvemate, comments: “Our customers operate in very competitive markets where the nuances of language can affect a brand’s perception. Managing multiple languages across the customer buying journey is a challenge for any company. This new feature will help companies manage the post-sales experience with AI-driven automation and provide a service advantage to help them grow.”
Improve Bot Maintenance Efficiency
The new feature makes it easy for customer service teams to train and maintain their Solvemate chatbot in multiple languages with a centralized and scalable approach.
The benefits include:
- Extend customer service reach
- Improve global self-service rates
- Reduce the complexity of managing multiple language bots
- Control the quality of translations
Aike Alexander Schnug, Customer Care Manager, FOCUS Bikes, comments: “Multilingual chatbots allow us to grow into new markets in a way that builds trust with customers. Solvemate’s new feature enhancement gives us the flexibility to manage each chatbot individually or implement changes across languages which will save our team time and effort.”
Read more about how to boost your customer’s experience with multi-lingual bots.
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Sylvia Jensen