Werknemers willen het beste van twee werelden: nieuw onderzoek van Condeco onthult cruciale facetten van hybride werk die bedrijfsleiders moeten aanpakken
Werkgevers moeten prioriteit geven aan geestelijke gezondheid, opties op afstand en verbeterde technologie om de belangenbehartiging van werknemers en een betere balans tussen werk en privéleven te bevorderen, blijkt uit de enquête
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Condeco, een wereldleider in software voor het plannen van werkruimten, kondigt vandaag nieuw onderzoek aan dat het belang aantoont van het bevorderen van een werkplek die de behoeften van werknemers begrijpt en respecteert, met hybride werkmogelijkheden als kern. De bevindingen ondersteunen het inzicht dat hybride capaciteiten leiden tot meer belangenbehartiging en geluk op het werk en laten zien dat hybride werknemers de grootste voorstanders kunnen zijn als het gaat om het aanbevelen van hun bedrijf.
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk de volledige release hier: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220412005267/en/
Employees Want the Best of Both Worlds: New Survey From Condeco Reveals Critical Facets of Hybrid Work That Business Leaders Need to Address
Employers Must Prioritize Mental Health, Remote Options, and Improved Technology to Promote Employee Advocacy and Better Work-Life Balance, the Survey Shows
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Condeco, a global leader in workspace scheduling software, is today announcing new research that reveals the importance of fostering a workplace that understands and respects employee needs, with hybrid work opportunities at its core. Its findings support the understanding that hybrid capabilities lead to greater employee advocacy and happiness at work and show that when it comes to recommending their company, hybrid workers can be the biggest advocates.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220412005267/en/

(Photo: Business Wire)
Allowing for a better work-life balance was identified as one of the biggest benefits of hybrid working through Condeco’s new research, which shows a direct relationship between employee satisfaction and improved mental and emotional well-being. Significantly, more than a third of workers surveyed reported that a hybrid work model has positively impacted their mental and physical health.
“Everyone wants something different out of work, but we can clearly see that almost no one wants to be back in the office full-time,” said Paul Statham, Condeco’s CEO & Founder. “We all know by now that hybrid models are key to ensuring a healthy work-life balance, but how each employer acts on that realization will determine their employees’ fulfillment with their company. No one is suggesting that the office is obsolete, on the contrary, it remains a vital place for employees to collaborate and engage. Business leaders looking to provide the best of both worlds for their employees must find a way to transform their offices from a place employees have to go to a place they want to go.”
“The need to have the right digital tools in place has emerged as one of the most important things to get right for hybrid working,” continued Lynda Lowe, CMO at Condeco. “But different generations have different definitions of what the ‘right tools’ are. This research clearly shows the biggest barriers to hybrid working and the fact that many employees still don’t feel that their company is using the right tools for hybrid working.”
Condeco polled 1,500 of today’s workers to get a pulse on the attitudes towards hybrid work and how these feelings are impacting businesses’ acclimation to the future of the working world. Key findings include:
Hybrid Workers Are Happy Workers – And in Turn, They’re Your Most Loyal Employees
- 62% of respondents said they feel satisfied with their current hybrid work schedule – and fostering a work culture that brings happiness helps employers attract and retain top talent.
- Hybrid workers are employers’ biggest advocates, with 63% saying they would recommend their company as an ideal work destination.
- Nearly half of those back in their offices full-time would like to be more hybrid, which employers struggling with the ‘Great Resignation’ appear not to be considering.
Hybrid Work Has Had a Positive Impact on Mental Health, But There Is Still Room for Improvement
- 34% of respondents feel that hybrid working has had a positive impact on their mental and physical health, with only 11% feeling that it has had a negative effect.
- 69% of hybrid workers agreed that their employer takes into consideration the emotional and mental wellbeing of employees.
- The number one benefit of hybrid working was a better work-life balance, with the lack of a social environment offered by work being the biggest barrier to remote working.
Tech Is the Backbone of Hybrid Work – Yet Only Half of Today’s Employees Have the Right Tools
- Businesses have realized the opportunity of hybrid working – 78% of managers believe their business has been streamlined as a result and 80% trust their employees to get their work done.
- Having the right digital tools was identified as the top need to ensuring hybrid working, but only 51% of employees agree that their company is using the right tools to support flexible work and only 50% of respondents feel their company is open to feedback about their digital tool stack.
- Companies are grappling with how best to bring employees back to the office on a flexible basis. To ensure collaboration and high productivity, employers must consider their workplace tech as the backbone to their strategy.
As part of Condeco’s broader marketing campaign that addresses today’s cultural shift in business, Condeco is today releasing a new film short that shines light on the generational divide that has emerged out of the pandemic, and light-heartedly cements the importance of having an employer that understands and embraces employee needs. You can see the full broadcast here.
To download Condeco’s full survey, complete with additional statistics and methodology, please visit: https://www.condecosoftware.com/modern-workplace/research/attitudes-to-hybrid-working-report-2022/.
About Condeco
Condeco is the global leader in enterprise level workspace solutions. Our software is designed to equip everyone with the tools they need for a seamless end to end experience in today’s office. By giving people control over flexible work, we deliver the certainty people need, enable the collaboration teams crave, and facilitate the insights on capacity that employers demand. From visitor management to workspace booking to office optimization, we are trusted by over 2000 of the world’s largest companies to realize their future at work.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220412005267/en/
Sydney Huffman
(203) 247-9784